The quickest and simplest way to get access to your exam results is through the WAEC Online Results Checking Portal. Unfortunately, there is a cost as you will need results checker cards to check.

Have you purchased the Result Checker Voucher for the result checking? If yes then here is how to check for your results online.

How to check online results

Here is How to check online results;

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your 9-digit Index Number.
  3. Select the Type of Examination (e.g. WASSCE).
  4. Select your Examination Year e.g. 2022
  5. Enter the Card Serial Number.
  6. Enter the 12-digit Personal Identification Number (PIN) on your Result Checker Voucher eg.012345678912.
  7. Confirm your Index Number and Examination Year. This is to make sure the information about your exam is accurate.
  8. Click on Submit and wait for the display in the redirected window. This may take several minutes.

NB: For older cards, you may have to visit instead of One other thing to note is that you should not refresh the window after submitting otherwise card may be used more than one wasting your 3 sets of usage.

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